Reiki Sessions, Reiki Classes, Intuitive Energy Healing,
Reflexology with Reiki, Meditation in nature, Marriage Celebration
all in Middlebrook, VA at The Arc Sanctuary
Price list

Initial Reiki Session
The purpose of the initial 90-minute Reiki session is to get to know one another and for you to experience Reiki for 45-60 minutes.
For me it is the opportunity to get familiar with your energy field and your needs so we can discuss our healing journey together.
Initial Reiki session ............................... $70
Reiki Session
90-minute sessions begin with a discussion, exploring how your needs and physical issues are connected with your life. This is followed by a Reiki session, which will draw on the frequencies of Usui Shiko Rayoho, Kundalini, Karuna Reiki or Reconnective Healing.
Reiki session ......................................... $100
Discount packages are available if you book multiple sessions.
Aura Cleansing
These sessions last between 60-120 minutes and can be combined with a Reiki session or a Healing Attunement.
Aura Cleansing 60 min .........................$ 70
Combined w/Reiki 90 min ...................$100
Combined w/Healing Attunement
100 min ................................................$120
Home Service
I am available to visit people in their homes or at the hospital, to give them the loving Reiki energy they need. This two-hour visit can include a Reiki session, healing attunement, EFT treatment, reflexology, discussion, or even a prayer.
Home service ............................... $130
A 90-minute Emotional Freedom Technique session begins with a discussion to identify the blockages that need to be released. This is followed by an EFT session.
Emotional Freedom Technique......... $100
Reiki for Relaxation
This 45-minute session will have limited discussion and feedback, with focus being on Reiki energy being channeled to your body with relaxation being the primary purpose.​​
Reiki session, short ............................... $60
Healing Attunement
This 90-minute session begins with a discussion to help you set your healing intentions. This is followed by a healing attunement.
Healing atunement .............................. $100
Meridian check-up
This 90-minute session uses muscle testing to identify and target points of weakness in the body and often is followed-up by a direct Reiki session.
Meridian check-up ................................. $100
This reflexology session will target the face, ears, hand and feet. It can be combined with a Reiki session.
Facial Reflexology (60 min)................... $70
Foot Reflexology w/ Reiki (90 min) .... $100
Become a Reiki Practitioner or a Reiki Master!
Usui Reiki I
The Reiki I practitioner is initiated to channel the Reiki Energy and make energetic attunements. This is a one-day 6-8 hour class, one-on-one with Eva.
Usui Reiki I Class................................... $200
Usui Reiki II
This class builds on Reiki I and enables a practitioner to use power, distance and balance symbols in healing. This is a two-day class, with two 7-8 hour sessions, one-on-one with Eva.
Usui Reiki II .......................................... $220
Karuna Reiki I
The concept of Karuna Reiki is presented and 3 symbols are taught. The 5-hour class is open for Usui Reiki II practitioners.
Karuna Reiki I Class....................... $200
Karuna Reiki II
This class builds on Karuna Reiki I, teaching additional symbols and applications. This 5-hour class is open for Usui Reiki III practitioners.
Karuna Reiki II .................................. $220
Karuna Reiki Master
The Karuna Master level is open only to practitioners who completed a Karuna Reiki II class. It can be even offered as one course, combining Karuna Reiki I, Karuna Reiki II and a Karuna Reiki Master level. This combination is available only to Usui Reiki Masters. It is a two or three day caourse depending on a number of participants.
Karuna Reiki Master ...................................................................................................................$ 450
Usui Reiki III
This class builds on Reiki II and teaches additional symbology. Upon course completion, the practitioner can give healing attunements but is not in a position to teach. This is a three session class, for a total of 12 hours, one-on-one with Eva.
Usui Reiki III...................................... $400

Usui Reiki Master
Mastering a knowledge and practice on chakras, meridians, physical body communication, opening up to the intuitive healing, preparation for teaching and attuning others to Reiki energy channeling. When combined as a continuity with the Reiki III class a discount of $100 is offered. This course is taught over 10 hours in 3 sessions.
Usui Reiki Master................................ $400

If you recommend a new client or student, you will get $10 off your next session or 10% off your next class.