Reiki Sessions, Reiki Classes, Intuitive Energy Healing,
Reflexology with Reiki, Meditation in nature, Marriage Celebration
all in Middlebrook, VA at The Arc Sanctuary
Who can benefit from Reiki classes?
Anybody whose profession, passion or need is to help themselves and other people to get better and feel better will benefit from turning his/her gentle touch into a healing touch. I encourage everyone to take the self-empowering Reiki I class with attunements. In my opinion, any mother will benefit by having the ability to transmit Reiki energy to her children. Animal owners can include Reiki energy for training, communication and healing.
Spiritual ministers, pastors, priests, medical doctors, nurses and people with a passion for healing physical, mental or spiritual imbalances will benefit from taking a Reiki II class with attunements.

Higher levels are recommended for people who want to become effective healers (Reiki III) and teachers (Reiki Master).
How do I sign up?
Before signing up for a class, I recommend you take a Reiki session with me so you can feel into if I am a match for you as a teacher. We get to know each other. We can discuss your interest and motivation to become a healer. I also can answer your questions pertaining the subject of the Reiki Healing System and energy healing concepts. You also get a 30-45 minute Reiki session from me. It is important for you to know how it feels to be deeply relaxed and open for spiritual healing. For me, it is a chance to get to know your subtle energy bodies.

The first session costs $70 and it is a 90 minute service. If you or I do not feel we are a match as teacher and student, then you are not under any pressure to register for a class. I've found it is more important to have a good relationship with your Master, as your teacher is called in this modality, than you may realize, trust me. If after our session you want to continue with learning, then we will schedule your class.

I meet one-on-one with students because I feel the personal attention is supportive for a integrated and nurturing training environment.
Teaching is provided on all Usui levels. A Teaching Manual and a Certificate are included in the price of a course.

Reiki I level with four attunements will empower you to start channeling Reiki energy to yourself. This ability will not be lost even if you stop practicing regularly. This level is your self-healing level, teaching you to channel Reiki energy to your physical body to achieve balance on many levels. You will be taught how to work with yourself and your shadow. This class is taught in a one-day, 5-6 hour course, depending on the number of students.

Reiki II level with two attunements will give you the opportunity to heal your Inner Child, your past life karmic obligations, and to send a distant healing to people and situations. You will be taught the three Reiki symbols for power, distance and balance. With this level of attunements, you will become a member of global healers who by combining their intentions can make a difference in healing this precious planet and the human race. This is a big obligation. This class is taught in a two-day course, with 5-7 hours of instruction per day.
A recommended text book for Reiki I and II levels is "The Spirit of Reiki" by Walter Lubeck, Frank Arjave Petter and William Lee Rand.
Reiki III level emphasizes theory and practice. Students are taught seven new symbols and a powerful method of giving Healing Attunement to others. Reiki III practitioners work with the energy on the master level but they cannot teach or attune others to Reiki. However, they can provide Healing Attunement to others. This class is taught in two to three separation sessions of 12 hours of instruction.

The Reiki Master Teacher program is available to committed students who want to become teachers of Reiki. This course can be also arranged as a continuation of the Reiki III Master Practitioner course or separate if a candidate can prove achieving the Reiki III attunement level (8) with other masters. The body - mind - spirit communication is taught and intuition is heightened. Students are encouraged to develop a life-long commitment to Reiki through learning and practice.
Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Classes
I've been practicing various forms of animal communication and healing with my dog Nell, who attempts to release her anxiety by leaving us nightly poops on the floor. Through a range of techniques, we are seeing many positive changes in her behaviors. It is a consistent investment of loving energy into an animal rescued from extreme abuse. I continue to learn patience and forgiveness through our relationship.
Karuna Reiki Classes
Karuna Reiki is taught using the original materials provided by the International Center for Reiki Training. The certificates will be also issued by the Center. There is an additional cost for all the materials on the top of my teaching fees. The approximate extra cost will be $45 but it may change, because it is not up to me to set it up. I am a certified Karuna Reiki Master Teacher and I am obligated to follow this rule.
A recommended text book for all levels is "The Book On Karuna Reiki® - Advanced Healing Energy for Our Evolving World" by Laurelle Shanti Gaia.
Karuna Reiki classes are offered only to those with prior Usui Shiki Rayoho attunements. Prerequisites are as follows: To start Karuna Reiki I you must be a Usui Reiki II practitioner. Karuna Reiki II is available for Usui Reiki III Master Practitioners. The Karuna Reiki Master program is available only for Usui Masters.
Karuna Reiki I teaches four Level I symbols.
Their applications are useful in the following:
* Past life issues, child abuse, cellular healing, offers spiritual anesthesia
* Unconscious patterns, shadow self, abuse issues, psychic attack
* Relationships, healing addictive behavior(s)
* Developing healthy habits and universal compassion
* Harmonizing chakras, manifesting, grounding, clearing objects or spaces
Karuna Reiki II teaches four Level II symbols.
Their applications are useful in the following:
* Aligning with higher self, learning, communication, creativity, motor skills
* Grounding, manifestation, priorities, healing humanity
* Personal Divine power, reality awareness, empowering goals
* Healing the earth, insomnia, fear, panic
* Creating peace, trusting in life, increasing clairvoyance
Karuna Reiki I and II levels require approximately 6 hours of teaching each and may be arranged in one or two sessions depending on the number of participants.
Each Karuna Reiki Master level requires 8-10 hours of teaching and is offered in two separate sessions or on three different days, if convenient. Sometimes an additional teaching of Usui techniques will require extra time.
The desire for healing myself and others has always been part of my life. I have been healing through yoga, different types of meditation and pranayam breathing exercises. Opportunities to heal others began to manifest in my life more and more, over time.
This spring, of 07, I was drawn to explore Reiki. That is when Eva and I found each other, and I am very glad we did. I have received Reiki treatments from her and learned Reiki I and II under her guidance. With Reiki, I have been able to clear myself more and more. With my clearer being, I have been able to help others more effectively.
Reiki is a beautiful, powerful, healing energy. I am grateful that it is part of my repertoire. I am grateful that Eva, who is a beautiful, respectful and very knowledgeable practitioner and teacher, has shared this gift with me.
Maha Karuna
Reiki Wisdom Graduates as of 2015
67 Usui Reiki I practitioners
38 Usui Reiki II practitioners
6 Usui Reiki III practitioners
2 Usui Reiki Master Teachers
3 Karuna Reiki Master
2 Karuna Reiki II practitioners
I am a new student of Eva Arciszewski, Reiki Master in Middlebrook. I have completed Reiki I class with attunements. Since I have been attuned and practice Reiki daily, I have noticed a subtle but profound change in my life. I am happier, more settled, and centered. I have a greater appreciation overall for life. Being attuned has helped me heal underlying trauma in my psyche. I've felt a wonderful release. It is also a huge help with my arthritic pain in my hands. I've worked on wehicles for years and have stressed my knuckles and fingers tremendously. Every day when I pray, and begin my Reiki session I feel this joyous feeling of connectedness and calm, it is hard to describe, it just feel wonderful.
I am so excited to be moving on to Reiki II and eventually Master. Without a doubt Reiki has changed my life. I cannot wait to hone this skill and become proficient at helping others as well.
John Garasimowicz, Deerfield, VA